Monday, November 9, 2015

Just take a moment...

I don't know if any of you are fans or familiar with this couple, but their story broke my heart. I've followed Joey & Rory's* updates occasionally starting a few years ago, and loved seeing the updates on their sweet daughter and after her cervical cancer diagnosis. This most recent blog post however, it has just broken my mommy heart. I couldn't imagine the pain she is feeling both physically and emotionally knowing that her baby girl will be without a mother. It really makes you stop and evaluate the things that really matter in your life. If things were to go sideways tomorrow and you received horrible news or you were taken from this life what things would you want to leave as your legacy? Having a huge house, fancy cars, and tons of money mean nothing if you are not a good hearted person. My goal in life is to raise children who are kind, loving, and hardworking. That they grow in life and they're healthy and happy in all that they do. And also that my wonderful husband always knows how much I love and appreciate him and all that he does. I always want to be the best daughter, sister, and friend and always have people leave me happier than when they came. Even if you're not a fan take a moment to read the last few posts on their blog and maybe take some time to reflect on the important things.

*Be aware that because of high traffic volume on their blog it has been down repeatedly today.

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