In these early hours of Mother's Day I can't help but think back on these last few years I've spent in the craziness that is motherhood. I always listened to the women in my life describe what it is to be a mom, and until October of 2012 I really had no grasp of what they were saying. My own mother would tell us all the time that you never understand the love of a mother until you become one, and oh how right she was! In these 2.5 years as Mom I never could have imagined the roller coaster ride P would take me on. There are good days where we laugh, play, and cuddle, and then there are the days where I feel like I want to run away screaming out of frustration. I love being P's mama and I realize these trying times won't last forever, that someday in the blink of an eye I'll turn around and see a grown man in place of my little boy. This blond haired blue eyed boy has stolen my heart and he surprises me every single day. Every time he gives kisses, wants to hold my hand, cuddle in bed, or says in his sweet voice "I love you too, Mommy!", it all makes my heart melt and thank God for blessing me with him. There have been nights I've stood over his crib watching his chest rise and fall in the pale glow of his night light, watching him gently stir and cuddle his lovies and my heart swells with so much love I feel like it may burst. I can't help but drink in those moments because I realize there are so many who wish they could have these moments to.
My first good look at him, I was in shock and in love. The best day of my life! |
My crazy spunky little man! |
To those of you who are dreading this Mother's Day because of infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, failed adoption, etc. my heart aches for you. I can't imagine the pain in your heart and the sadness that this day brings, know that you are on my heart today and I am sending loving thoughts your way. I hope that someday you are able to rejoice in celebrating Mother's Day with a child in your arms and that overflowing love in your heart. To those who are facing their first(or one of many) Mother's Day without your mom I hope today you can take a moment to remember her and her love for you, remember all of the things she did for you and all of the special memories you have with her. I can only send prayers your way that you will feel peace for a moment today.
For those of you who are still blessed with your mother make sure you take time today to visit her, call her, reach out to her in some way to let her know how much you appreciate her. For those ladies who have stepped in and stepped up and taken on a mother role to a child or children who need them I have nothing but respect and admiration for you. You are an awesome mom and I applaud you!
Until next time, thanks for reading and Happy Mother's Day!